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4 beasts - lion, bear, leopard

Daniel Chapter 7
4 Beasts from the Sea

4th beast, 10 horns

The 4 beasts vision of Daniel chapter 7 are commonly explained as follows:

            Lion       =   Babylonian Empire
            Bear       =   Medo-Persian Empire
            Leopard    =   Greek Empire
            4th Beast  =   Roman Empire

This explanation of the four beasts prophecy is easily derived. In fact
it is so easily derived that anyone with a basic grasp of history could
have easily reached this arrangement.

Nevertheless, Daniel 12:4 & 9 indicate that the true meaning of all
Daniel's prophecies were 'shut up' and 'sealed'. Hidden from view until
'the time of the end'.

Scholars, have it seems, been blinded to the fact that the Daniel 7
prophecy and its supplied interpretation (Dan 7:15-27) were disguising
a more important and deeper meaning. The surface teaching, presenting
a progression of four significant empires, was actually hiding a
portrayal of the arising of four forms of 'Israel'.


The arising of four forms of 'Israel'! This point is critical.
We are looking for four forms (or compositions) of Israel.

We already have a sealed four (or five) fold division of Israel
in Daniel chapter 2. Where it was a portrayal of Israel from the
Exodus to the start of the future Great Tribulation.
So how does this Daniel chapter 7 four fold division differ?

The answer is that the Daniel chapter 2 presentation focuses upon
declining grades of leadership. First gold quality, then silver
quality, then bronze quality, then iron quality and finally an
iron mixed with clay leadership quality is encountered. 

Therefore, Daniel chapter 2 traces the progression of reducing
sources of authority. The rulership of God, rulership of kings,
leadership of governors, the leadership of religious teachers
and finally a leadership representing two incompatible faiths.

However, what we encounter in the Daniel chapter 7 presentation
is a focus upon the arising of four different beasts. In other
words it is focused upon what may be considered structurally
different, compositions of 'Israel'. Structurally diverse forms
of 'Israel'.


To help us understand God's deeper teaching for the Daniel 7 prophecy
it is necessary to consider how it starts;

    Dan    7:2   ... the four winds of heaven were stirring
                 up the Great Sea.
            :3   And four great beasts came up from the sea,
                 each different from the other.

Most tend to read this and envisage a literal
'Great Sea'. However, it refers to a biblical
sea, a sea also symbolized by the bronze sea
located in the temple of Solomon.
Great Sea - bronze sea
    1King  7:23  And he made the Sea of cast bronze, ten cubits
                 from one brim to the other; it was completely
                 round. Its height was five cubits, and a line
                 of thirty cubits measured its circumference.
            :24  Below its brim were ornamental buds encircling
                 it all around, ten to a cubit, all the way
                 around the Sea. The ornamental buds were cast
                 in two rows when it was cast.
            :25  It stood on twelve oxen: three looking toward
                 the north, three looking toward the west, three
                 looking toward the south, and three looking
                 toward the east; the Sea was set upon them, and
                 all their back parts pointed inward.
            :26  It was a handbreadth thick; and its brim was
                 shaped like the brim of a cup, like a lily
                 blossom. It contained two thousand baths.

            :39  ... He set the Sea on the right side of the house,
                 toward the southeast.

This bronze sea was placed upon 12 bronze oxen. Oxen which faced
toward the four directions of heaven; north, west, south and east.
Three oxen facing each direction.

  [ NB: The arrangement of the oxen mimics that of the 12 tribes
        of the children of Israel, which were to stand 3 tribes
        in each direction around the tabernacle of meeting.
        Refer, Numbers chapter 2. ]

THE GREAT SEA - The great sea represents the multitude of people
supported by the national structure of the 12 tribes. (Note, Jude 13
where 'raging waves of the sea' represents people. Also in Rev 17:15
we observe the symbol 'waters' used to represent groups of people.)

The four beasts which arise from this Great Sea, arise out of Israel!

Hence, depicting four different 'kingdom' forms of Israel.

To try and identify the first three beasts, one has to reflect upon
the biblical history of Israel. Identifying the fourth beast requires
consideration of the overall theme of endtime prophecy.


          lion - 1st beast

    Dan    7:4   The first was like a lion, and had eagle's wings.
                 I watched till its wings were plucked off; and it
                 was lifted up from the earth and made to stand on
                 two feet like a man, and a man's heart was given
                 to it.

The first beast is presented in 2 forms:

     - like a lion with eagle's wings

     - like a lion standing on 2 feet with the heart of a man.

The initial form emphasizes strength and movement. The promises made
initially by God to Abraham and Isaac were the source of the strength
of Jacob and his descendants.

The main thrust of the eagle symbolism is the journeying of the children
of Israel from Egypt to the Promised Land.

    Exod  19:4   You have seen what I did to the Egyptians, and
                 how I bore you on eagles' wings and brought you
                 to Myself.

While the Exodus represents an apparent starting point for the rise
of this beast, it has to be remembered that the strength of this beast
was derived from the confirmation of God's promises four hundred and
thirty years earlier. (Refer Gal 3:16-17, Exod 12:41.)

The subsequent lion form highlights the time immediately following
the settlement of the children of Israel in the Promised Land. The
eagle wings were removed from the lion and it was made to stand on
two feet (presumably both sides of the river Jordan).

A man's heart was given to the lion, symbolizing a heart which was
soft, but also a heart which could rebel against God.
After settlement in the Promised Land God raised up Judges. (By this
means God acted to rescue Israel from the hand of their enemies.)
However, with the passing of time Israel desired a human king to
rule over them. Thereafter, the quality of the ruling kings was a
significant factor in the unfolding fate of Israel.


bear - 3rd beast

    Dan    7:5   "And suddenly another beast, a second, like a bear.
                 It was raised up on one side, and had three ribs in
                 its mouth between its teeth. And they said thus to
                 it: 'Arise, devour much flesh!'

The second beast is like a bear raised up on one side with 3 ribs in its
mouth (between it's teeth). It was told to arise and devour much flesh.

About 530 years after Exodus (after the reigns of Saul, David and Solomon)
the nation of Israel split into two nations.

          - The House of Judah   -   2 tribes (Judah and Benjamin)
          - the House of Israel  -  10 tribes (Reuben, Simeon, Gad,
                                              Issachar, Zebulun,
                                              Ephraim, Manasseh, Dan,
                                              Asher and Naphtali.)

            [NB: The tribe of Levi was initially present in both
                 nations. ] 

The line of David continued to reign over the tribes of Judah and Benjamin.
While Jeroboam became the first king over the larger 10 tribed nation.

The prophecy advises that the bear was raised up on one side.

The actual text reads,  and to part one was set up

There has been a lack of clarity as to how to understand the meaning
being indicated.

The following two literal translations are interesting:

- Literal Standard Version

    Dan    7:5   "... and to the same authority it has been
                 raised,  ..."

- Young's Literal Translation

    Dan    7:5   "... and to the same authority it hath been
                 raised ..."

With this in mind let us consider what the original Hebrew might
have been inferring, given the context of what took place.

Israel split into two nations with the name of 'Israel' being placed
on the newly formed nation, i.e. the 'House of Israel'.

Jeroboam became the first king of this newly formed House of Israel.
Jeroboam was an Ephraimite (1 Kings 11:26)!

The tribe of Ephraim, being named after the man Ephraim, who was the
grandson of Jacob (the younger son of Joseph, Gen 48:14). To this
descendant of Jacob great blessings had been conveyed.

    Gen  48:19  ... and his descendants shall become
                a multitude of nations.

         49:22  "Joseph is a fruitful bough,
                 A fruitful bough by a well;
                 His branches run over the wall.

                [NB: 1) It was to Ephraim, that many of the Abrahamic
                        blessings of God were eventually passed. The
                        promises of God having been made to Abraham
                        and Isaac, being later passed to Jacob
                        (Gen 27:28-36). Jacob then passing many of
                        them to Ephraim (Gen 48:14-20, 49:22-26).
                     2) While Ephraim received promises of great
                        prosperity, it was Judah that received
                        from Jacob the promise of kingship until
                        Shiloh. Refer Gen 49:10. ]

Hence, the inference is that the second 'like a bear' beast, with its
Ephraim leadership, was raised up to the standing (known by the name
of 'Israel') as the former 'like a lion' beast.

The prophecy mentions three ribs in its mouth, between the teeth of the

When the house of Israel arose, Jeroboam feared the eventual loss of his
kingdom to the kingship of the lineage of David, 1Kin 12:27. As Jeroboam
considered this to be something which was likely to occur, due to his
people travelling to Jerusalem to offer sacrifices, Jeroboam made priests
of those who were not of the sons of Levi.

So those of the sons of Levi dwelling amidst the ten tribes of Israel
relocated their families to the territory of the kingdom of Judah.
2Chr 11:13-17.

    2Chr 11:14  For the Levites left their common-lands and their
                possessions and came to Judah and Jerusalem, for
                Jeroboam and his sons had rejected them from serving
                as priests to the Lord.

The tribe of Levi was composed of three divisions; reflecting the three
sons of Levi - Gershon, Kohath, and Merari. (NB: In respect to the
tabernacle of God each division was appointed different duties. Num

In the prophecy, we next find the bear being told to 'Arise, devour
much flesh' (ie 'meat').

The promise of an enduring kingdom was made to Jeroboam if he heeded
all the commandments of God.  Refer 1 Kings 11:37-39.

    2Chr 11:38  Then it shall be, if you heed all that I command
                you, walk in My ways, and do what is right in My
                sight, to keep My statutes and My commandments,
                as My servant David did, then I will be with you
                and build for you an enduring house, as I built
                for David, and will give Israel to you.

After continued failure to take a stand and obey God, failure to devour
the Word of God, the household of Jeroboam was brought to an end (1Kin
15:29-30). The same fate befell the subsequent ruling households of
Baasha (1Kin 16:11-13) and Ahab (2Kin 10:1-11).

Eventually, the failure of this beast to consume the Word of God,
caused God to cast the ten tribed kingdom of Israel out of His sight.
2Kin 17:18, 18:11-12.


leopard - 3rd beast

    Dan    7:6   "After this I looked, and there was another,
                 like a leopard, which had on its back four
                 wings of a bird. The beast also had four heads,
                 and dominion was given to it.

The third beast was like a leopard and had 4 bird wings and 4 heads.
Dominion was given to it.

  [ NB: It may be thought that this beast should be shown with
        four pairs of wings, because of the four heads. However,
        it can be seen from other examples that wings are counted
        individually, refer Isa 6:2, Ezek 1:6, Rev 4:8 & 12:14. ]

This beast is a representation of the kingdom established by Josiah.

The third beast arose About 880 years after Exodus.
(This bring after the devastation of the House of Israel by the Assyrians,
and prior to the fall of the House of Judea to the Babylonians.)

In the twelfth year of Josiah's reign, Josiah began to cleanse Judah
of idols and then subsequently he went on to also cleanse the territory
of the House of Israel.

He exerted his authority over the land formerly occupied by the House
of Israel.

    2Chr    34:6  And so he did in the cities of Manasseh, Ephraim,
                  and Simeon, as far as Naphtali and all around,
                  with axes.
              :7  When he had broken down the altars and the wooden
                  images, had beaten the carved images into powder,
                  and cut down all the incense altars throughout all
                  the land of Israel, he returned to Jerusalem.

    2Kings 23:19  Now Josiah also took away all the shrines of the
                  high places that were in the cities of Samaria,
                  which the kings of Israel had made to provoke the
                  Lord to anger; and he did to them according to all
                  the deeds he had done in Bethel. 

Explaining the comment in Daniel 7:6, 'dominion was given to it'.

The arrival of King Josiah was predicted by a prophet of God hundreds
of years before Josiah's actual birth.

    1Kings 13:2  Then he cried out against the altar by the word
                 of the LORD, and said, "O altar, altar! Thus says
                 the LORD: 'Behold, a child, Josiah by name, shall
                 be born to the house of David; and on you he shall
                 sacrifice the priests of the high places who burn
                 incense on you, and men's bones shall be burned on

King Josiah was a highly noteworthy king!

    2Kings 23:25 Now before him there was no king like him, who
                 turned to the LORD with all his heart, with all
                 his soul, and with all his might, according to
                 all the Law of Moses; nor after him did any arise
                 like him.

Following the death of Josiah, four of his descendants reigned as kings.
Hence the comment, 'also had four heads'. These were,

                 1)  Jehoahaz,  son of Josiah
                                (2Kin 23:30-31, 2Chr 36:1),
                 2)  Eliakim    (Jehoiakim), son of Josiah
                                (2Kin 23:34, 2Chr 36:4-5),
                 3)  Jehoiachin (Coniah), grandson of Josiah
                                (2Kin 24:6,8, 2Chr 36:8-9),
                 4)  Mattaniah  (Zedekiah), Jehoiakim's brother
                                (2Kin 24:17, 2Chr 36:10-11).

This beast 'had on its back four wings of a bird'. As these four
kings were all carried off as captives by either Babylon or Egypt.

                     Jehoahaz                by Pharaoh Necho
                                             (2Kin 23:33, 2Chr 36:4)
                     Eliakim    (Jehoiakim)  by Nebuchadnezzar
                                             (2Chr 36:6)
                     Jehoiachin (Coniah)     by Nebuchadnezzar - twice!
                                             - at 8 yrs & 18 yrs
                                             (2Chr 36:9-10 & 2Kin 24:8,12)
                     Mattaniah  (Zedekiah)   by Nebuchadnezzar
                                             (Jer 52:11, 2kin 25:7)

It was through King Jehoiachin that the ancestry of later descendants
was traced (Matt 1:11). His son being Shealtiel and Shealtiel's son
being Zerubbabel.
However, Jer 22:28:30 states Coniah (Jehoiachin) was childless and Luke
3:27 indicates the actual father of Shealtiel was 'Neri'.


10 Horns - 4th beast

Modified image of a T. Rex used to illustrate.

    Dan    7:7   "After this I saw in the night visions, and behold,
                 a fourth beast, dreadful and terrible, exceedingly
                 strong. It had huge iron teeth; it was devouring,
                 breaking in pieces, and trampling the residue with
                 its feet. It was different from all the beasts that
                 were before it, and it had ten horns.
            :8   I was considering the horns, and there was another
                 horn, a little one, coming up among them, before
                 whom three of the first horns were plucked out by
                 the roots. And there, in this horn, were eyes like
                 the eyes of a man, and a mouth speaking pompous words.

The last beast was dreadful, terrible and strong; possessing huge
iron teeth. With these teeth it is described as devouring and breaking,
and with its feet it was trampling whatever remained.

The introduction to this fourth beast is relevant, 'after this I saw
in the night visions'. We have already been advised that this prophecy
was a result of 'a dream and visions of his head while on his bed',
Dan 7:1. Therefore, the repetition is an indication that the vision of
this fourth beast is set in the endtime.

This beast is described as taking two sequential forms:

       1) - ten horns,

       2) - a little horn and seven horns.


A significant organisation. Described as;

        - dreadful, terrible, exceedingly strong.
        - devouring, breaking in pieces, trampling the residue.

Clearly a powerful organisation demanding conformity to its dictates.
An entity prepared to harshly punish dissenting groups.

    Dan    7:19  "Then I wished to know the truth about the fourth
                 beast, which was different from all the others,
                 exceedingly dreadful, with its teeth of iron and
                 its nails of bronze, which devoured, broke in
                 pieces, and trampled the residue with its feet;

This organisation is described as having teeth of iron and nails of
bronze. Therefore predicting the presence of elements of the 3rd and
4th parts of the Daniel chapter 2 statue.

The text, Dan 7:8, subtly indicates the 10 horned organisation is
composed of two different factions (due to their differing fates);

    Dan    7:8   ... before whom three of the first horns were
                 plucked out by the roots. ...

                   - the first 3 horns
                   - the other 7 horns.

***   Interpretation   ***

The first 3 horns, the Jewish faith

   - the number 3 is frequently associated with
     the Jewish faith.
        - 3 aspects of the priesthood,
            Sadducees, Scribes and Pharisees.
        - 3 divisions of Levi,
            Numbers 3:17,25-26,30-31,36-37.
        - 3 tribes of the House of Judah,
            Judah, Benjamin and Levi.

The latter 7 horns, the Christian faith

   - a reflection of the seven lampstands amongst which
     the Son of Man stands, Rev 1:12-13, and the 7 horns
     of the Christ lamb, Rev 6:6.

Therefore, the inference is that what we have is a manifestation
of an organisation which is a union of Judaism and Christianity.
An organisation which is claiming (and enforcing) an exclusive
right to control what is taught within these domains. 


The second stage of the 4th beast arises when the little horn appears on
the scene and displaces the leaderships ('kings') of the first 3 horns.

    Dan    7:8   ... And there, in this horn, were eyes
                 like the eyes of a man, and a mouth
                 speaking pompous words.
This little horn speaks great words
and has eyes, ie vision. These factors
make him greater than the remaining
7 horns.

Dan  7:20  ... whose appearance was
           greater than his fellows. 

little horn
This little horn shall do the following;

        1) Speak against the Most High.

             Dan    7:25  He shall speak pompous words
                          against the Most High, ...

        2) Persecute and 'wear out' the saints. Dan 7:21,25.

        3) Introduce great religious change.

             Dan    7:25  ... And shall intend to change
                          times and law.

             Daniel chapter 11 provides more detail.
             Refer Dan 11:36-39.

             Dan   11:36  "Then the king shall do according
                          to his own will: he shall exalt
                          and magnify himself above every
                          god, ...

We are then introduced to the period of 3.5 TIMES.

    Dan    7:25  ... Then the saints shall be given into his hand
                 For a time and times and half a time.

God's judgement will occur after a time and times and half a time'
The reign of the little horn will last a symbolic 3.5 times. This
period is also defined in this symbolic form in the New Testament.

    Rev    12:14  But the woman was given two wings of a great
                  eagle, that she might fly into the wilderness
                  to her place, where she is nourished for a time
                  and times and half a time, from the presence of
                  the serpent.

Then at the expiry of the 3.5 times, the Ancient of Days is seated and
the authority of the little horn removed and remaining kingdoms shall
be given to the saints of the Most High.

    Dan     7:26  'But the court shall be seated, And they shall
                  take away his dominion, To consume and destroy
                  it forever.
             :27  Then the kingdom and dominion, And the greatness
                  of the kingdoms under the whole heaven, Shall be
                  given to the people, the saints of the Most High.

Therefore, the symbolic period of 3.5 times defines the duration of the
Great Tribulation.
While many have been taught this represents a period of 3.5 years, it
actually appears to represent a duration of almost 10 years.


To truly understand this Daniel 7 prophecy it is necessary to also
consider the time period 'a season and a time.

    Dan    7:12  As for the rest of the beasts, they had their
                 dominion taken away, yet their lives were
                 prolonged for a season and a time.

- A Season and a Time -

  'SEASON' - H2166
  The word 'season' in the text is being used in an indefinite  
  sense, rather than as a representation of 3 months. The word
  'season' could therefore be equally rendered 'period' or

  'TIME' - H5732
  The word 'time' is the same word found in Dan 4:16, where
  it is commonly considered to mean 'year'.  (In Daniel
  chapter seven it is also found in verse 25, 'a time,
  times and half a time'.) It can mean a set time.

What span of time is being defined by 'a season and a time'?

This period of time is apparently mimicked by Rev 9:15.

    Rev    9:15   And the four angels were loosed, which were
                  prepared for an hour, and a day, and a month,
                  and a year, for to slay the third part of men. 

Notice both Daniel 7:12 and Revelation 9:15 discuss the termination of

In the book of Zechariah three shepherds are removed in a symbolic

    Zech  11:8    I dismissed the three shepherds
                  in one month.
                  My soul loathed them, and their
                  soul also abhorred me.

Therefore, the verses Rev 9:15 and Zech 11:8 tend to infer the more
likely meaning, intended in Dan 7:12, was 'a month and a year'.

Clearly the summation of 30 days + 360 days, may cause one to consider
the Ezekiel chapter 4 prophecy which mentions the duration of 390 days.

However, if Dan 7:12 had intended to refer to a symbolic period of
390 days it more likely would have mentioned that duration directly.
The fact that the teaching is 'a month and a year' tends to suggest
that both the durations, i.e. 'month' and 'year', have their own
separate symbolic meanings. (While at the same there being an era
which is an addition of both.)

Initially one may consider the implied durations to apply to the
extended time, i.e. the time beyond the healing of the head of the
third beast.

However, the duration could equally represent the time from the rise
of the first beast until the final removal of the remnant of the lion,
bear and leopard beasts.

A more literal translation of the Hebrew text reads;

    Dan    7:12  And remainder of the animals, passed away
                 the authority of them, and lengthening in
                 lives was granted to them, until a period
                 and a year.

The way the text reads may indicate that although the authority of
the animals ceased (at various times) a total lengthening of their
lives would bring them, as a group, up to a life span of 'a month
and a year'.

There are not that many viable solutions, but the following appears
to be indicated.

   a month (30 days)         30 Jubilees        1,500 years

   a year - a set time       40 Jubilees        2,000 years

1) Thirty jubilees, from Exodus brings us to the time of the transition
   from the Old Covenant to the New Covenant.

   Providing us with a good fit to the above mentioned Zech 11:8
   verse. which spoke of the dismal of three shepherds - the Levi
   Priesthood - that is the Sadducees, Pharisees and Scribes.)

2) Forty jubilees, from the introduction of the New Covenant to the

3) The total life span, or allowed period of duration, of the lion,
   bear, leopard beasts being 70 Jubilees. Indicating that their
   life spans (even the shadows of their lives) would terminate upon
   the expiry of this allocated period.


Exactly when, in the context of this prophecy, does the 'a month and
a year' duration expire?

Does it expire at the appearance of the 4th beast?
Or does it expire when the little horn arises?
Or does it expire when the little horn perishes?

The answer is found in the appearance of the little horn.

    Dan    7:8   I was considering the horns, and there was another
                 horn, a little one, coming up among them, before
                 whom  three of the first horns were plucked out
                 by the roots. 

It is the little horn which is destined to remove the leaderships of
the remnant of the lion, bear, leopard entities. At this time their
lengthened lives cease.

So a chart (not to scale) would look something like this.

                Exodus  -  1st - Lion
                530 yrs -  2nd - Bear
                880 yrs -  3rd - Leopard
                920 yrs |  - deadly wound
                980 yrs |  - wound healed
               1500 yrs |  (New Covenant)
                        |               -  4th beast (endtime)
                        |               |
               3500 yrs -  - lives end  -  little horn arises
                                        -  Ancient of Days


So the final arrangement is as follows;

            Lion       =   Initial form of the nation Israel

            Bear       =   The 10 tribed form of Israel

            Leopard    =   Judah ruling over all the Promised Land

            4th Beast  =   An end-time tyrannical form of Israel

                           - Subsequent rise of the lawless
                             little horn.

                           - [ Finally the Ancient of Days causes
                               the greatness of the kingdoms to be
                               given to the saints of the Most High.]

The arrangement presented above reflects a perspective which one
could describe as 'sealed', ie not obvious from a surface reading
of the text.

As the words of Daniel 12:4 state;

              'Daniel, shut up the words' and 'seal the book'
               ... 'until the time of the end.'

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