All Christians can see the surface teachings, but how many have discerned the hidden deeper messages.
BOOK OF DANIEL The Seventy Weeks Prophecy - seventy 'sevens' Traditional Christian Perspectives - Dan 9:24-27 Problems in Current Daniel 9:24-27 Theories The Great Image - Not Gentile Kingdoms The Great Tree Prophecy - "7 Times" The Mene Mene Tekel Upharsin Prophecy The Four Beasts Vision - Daniel chapter 7 Ram and Goat Vision - Daniel chapter 8 For 2300 Days? ('until evening morning 2300') Daniel 8:11 - 'taken away' Daniel Chapter 10 - Spiritual War The '3.5 Times' of Daniel 12:7 BOOK OF REVELATION The Book of Revelation Introduction - Symbolic Overview Prophecy in Gospels: Matthew 24 - Mark 13 - Luke 21 Revelation - 7 Seals, 7 Trumpets, 7 Plagues 7 Churches, 1,000 Years, 3 Angels, Earthquakes Red Dragon, Beast-Sea, Beast-Land, False Prophet New Heaven, New Earth, New Jerusalem 200 Million Horsemen - Revelation 9:16 The 1260 Days of Revelation chapter 11 and 12 Two Witnesses - Two Olive Trees and Two Lampstands Beast, False Prophet, 42 months - Revelation chapter 13 Beast 666 - a Man's Name 666 - Rev 13:18 The 144,000 and the Great Multitude Gog and Magog, Meshech and Tubal - Ezek 38,39; Rev 20:8 SUNDRY Tribulation - Physical or Spiritual? God's Annual Holy Days - A Prophetic Outline 390 Days/Years Prophecy - Ezekiel chapter 4 'Seven Times' of Leviticus 26 - verses 18, 21, 24, 28 The '70 years' of Jeremiah - Prophetic Aspects Bible Prophecy - Time Charts Symbolic Jerusalem
6000 YEARS Biblical Chronology - 6,000 Years (Time Chart) Biblical Chronology - Creation to Exodus Creation to the Calling of Abraham The Death of Abraham's Father (Terah???) Birth of Joseph - Jacob 74 Years Old! The 400 Years and 430 Years Time Puzzle Biblical Chronology - The Judges Period Biblical Chronology - The Kings Period Biblical Chronology - Captivity & Medo-Persians
TITHING - A Tithe of Money Not Required The Lord's Supper, Bread and Wine - The True Meaning! Foot Washing - What it Means Is God Calling ALL Gentile Nations?
GENERAL INTEREST The Crucifixion of Christ - Which Day? The Bible's Exodus Route - Goshen to Mt Sinai Duration of Noah's Flood - Fully Explained! Acts 7:14 - Did 70 or 75 people enter Egypt? OLD COVENANT LAW NEW MOON - Chodesh - Explained! When the Bible Day Ends and Begins - Midnight! 'Between the Evenings' - Between Sunset and Another Time PASSOVER - 13th 14th 15th Abib? - Exodus / Christ 'Preparation Day' of Passover - Not Friday 'first day of the week' = Wave Sheaf Offering Day! Plural Sabbaths Explained The Old Covenant Tithing System Animal Sacrifices at the Temple Two Silver Trumpets and the Ram's Horn (Shofar) OLD TESTAMENT HISTORY The Bible's History of Jerusalem Fast of Esther & Feast of Purim Iscah is not Sarah - Genesis 11:29 Rahab of Matthew 1:5 - NOT 'Rahab the Harlot' NEW TESTAMENT Mary Magdalene(s) and the other Marys SUNDRY Strong's 7620 (week or shabuwa) in Scripture The Bible's Weights and Coins