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7 Churches, 1,000 Years,
3 Angels and the Earthquakes

Revealed Prophecy

THE 7 CHURCHES (REV 2:1-3:22)

In the opening chapters of the book of Revelation we encounter descriptions
of seven churches.

lighted lampstand
These messages are of greater significance than many have realized. They
represent the 7 lamps of the lampstand of the tabernacle of meeting. In
the New Testament these are the 7 MAJOR DIVISIONS OF CHRISTIANITY which
exist in the end time!

       Ephesus      -  'you have left your first love' 
       Smyrna       -  'do not fear ... be faithful until death'
       Pergamos     -  'Balaam ... Nicolaitans ... Repent, or else'
       Thyatira     -  'you allow ... Jezreel ... to beguile My servants'
       Sardis       -  'you are dead ... repent ... watch'
       Philadelphia -  'set before you an open door, and no one can shut it'
       Laodiceans   -  'buy from me gold refined in the fire'

       Ephesus      -  'else I will ... remove your lampstand' 
       Smyrna       -  'you will have tribulation ten days'
       Pergamos     -  'else I will ... fight against them'
       Thyatira     -  'I will kill her children with death'
       Sardis       -  'I will come upon you as a thief'
       Philadelphia -  'I will also keep you from the hour of trial'
       Laodiceans   -  'I will spew you out of My mouth'

       All churches -  'to he who overcomes'
                        [He who persists in the exercise of his faith;
                         escaping any corrupt perspectives prevalent
                         in his church and demonstrating a desire to
                         work in the vineyard of God.]    

THE 1,000 YEAR REIGN (REV 20:1-10)

The text of the 1,000 year prophecy has caused many to believe there will
be a 1,000 year period when Christ and the righteous will rule on this
earth. However, there are a number of factors which suggest this is not
the true teaching of this prophecy.

       1)  This 1,000 year era is not implied by any other prophecy.
           (NB: The 7th day of creation, unlike the first 6 days, is not
           described in Genesis as being comprised of an evening and a
           morning. This suggests the 7th day is an undefined or open
           ended period of time.)   

       2)  All other prophecies relate directly (or indirectly) to events
           in our immediate future. One does not encounter prophecies
           which detail events or time periods considerably beyond those
           associated with the tribulation and the return of Christ.

       3)  2 Peter 3:8 states 'one day is as a thousand years and a
           thousand years as one day'. Although the first clause,
           ie 1 day = 1,000 years, is utilized to associate the 6 days
           of creation to a period of 6,000 years; it appears the second
           clause is never considered. Should this period of 1,000 years
           be understood to represent a literal or symbolic day?
       4)  Prophetic periods of time relating to the 'end time' are
           never plainly stated! (Many do not have an adequate awareness
           of biblical 'end time' prophetic Scriptural form and have
           failed to grasp the extent to which symbolism is utilised.)

A common symbolic meaning attributed to the 1,000 years is to see it
as the period of 2,000 years, the period from Pentecost to the Great

However, the correct understanding of the 1,000 year scriptures presented
in Rev 20:1-11 requires greater discernment.

Firstly we should notice that the period of one thousand years in
this text is encountered 6 times over the span of the first 7 verses.
This frequency is far too high!

The reason for this excessive repetition lies in the fact that two
periods of time are being portrayed!

    - First period.  Rev 20:2, 3 and 7.  

    - Second period. Rev 20:4, 5 and 6.

These two successive periods are mentioned together in Isaiah.

    Isa   61:2   To proclaim the acceptable year of the LORD,
                 And the day of vengeance of our God; ...

                 [NB: Notice that Christ in Luke 4:18-19, quoting
                      Isaiah 61:1-2, stops after mentioning the
                      'acceptable year' of the LORD. There being an
                      indication that the 'day of vengeance' would
                      be a separate subsequent period of time. ]

In the New Testament we encounter the expression 'day of Christ',
ie literally 'day of the Anointed', in verses Phili 1:10 & 2:16.
However, 2Thes 2:2, while commonly rendered 'day of Christ', according
to the modern eclectic text of the Greek New Testament should be
'day of the Lord'. (The 'day of the LORD' is a common Old Testament
prophetic expression referring to the time of God's judgment upon the

So the two expressions 'day of the Anointed' and 'day of the LORD' may
also be referring to two different periods of time.

In summary the 1,000 year verses could be viewed as follows:

ADMONITION    The first period of the symbolic 1,000 years is the end-time
              equivalent of the restraint of Satan during the ministry
              of Jesus Christ. (A time when demons could be cast out,
              refer Matthew 12:22-29.)
              An angel appears with the key to the bottomless pit. (The
              key of David held by Christ. Rev 3:7.)
              Following this Satan is bound and the warning is announced.
              This is the prophetic acceptable year of the LORD (typified
              in Luke 4:19). During this time the first resurrection
              (a spiritual resurrection) is taking place.

TRIBULATION   The second period, of the symbolic 1,000 years, is the
              'little while' of Rev 20:3 (also mentioned in Rev 12:12),
              ie the duration of the Great Tribulation.
              Those who possess the 'gospel of the kingdom' can not be
              hurt by the dragon's deception and are therefore described
              as 'reigning with Christ'.
              However, everyone else has to face the full deception
              of Satan and through this means God brings the day of
              vengeance upon the religious hierarchy guilty of the
              blood of the saints.  

RESOLUTION    At the end of the 'little while' Satan will bring the
              nations against the betrothed wife of Christ.  
              The work of the dragon is brought to an end.
              The second spiritual resurrection begins. 


Completely set in the endtime.

Another prophetic representation. 

ADMONITION    The 1st angel - 'having the everlasting gospel to preach'

                              The final warning to symbolic Jerusalem.

TRIBULATION   The 2nd angel - 'Babylon is fallen' (ie religious Babylon)

                              Judgement comes upon symbolic Jerusalem.

RESOLUTION    The 3rd angel - A warning to those who would bring their
                              thoughts (forehead) and actions (hand)
                              into agreement with the beast.
                              The judgment of those who worship the beast
                              'he himself shall also drink of the wine
                              of the wrath of God. And he shall be ...
                              tormented ... in the presence of the Lamb.'

                              Judgment upon those predicted to decimate


Five verses in the book Revelation mention the word 'earthquake'.

            Rev   6:12  -  Opening of the 6th seal
            Rev   8:5   -  Prelude to 7 trumpets
            Rev  11:13  -  After ascension of the two witnesses
            Rev  11:19  -  Blowing of the 7th trumpet
            Rev  16:18  -  Pouring out of the 7th plague

Earthquakes tend to indicate major changes/milestones in the revealed plan
of God. For example in the Old Testament, Zech 14:5 and Amos 1:1, there is
mention of an earthquake which appears to be connected with a form of God's
judgment at that time. 

The book of Revelation the suggests the following arrangement.

PRELIMINARY   1)  Rev  8:5  - Verses 8:3-5 are a side commentary placed
                              prior to the blowing of the seven trumpets. 
                              These three verses indicate the reason for
                              the blowing of the trumpets. They show the
                              trumpets were blown because of the prayers
                              of the saints. These prayers being cries
                              for due justice to be levied upon those who
                              had persecuted them - typified in Rev 6:10).

TRIBULATION   2)  Rev  6:12 - The opening of the 6th seal. A great
                              earthquake occurs at this time and it
                              represents a major shift in the heavenly
                              scene, ie a shift in authority in the work
                              of God!
                              At this time the 'nations' trample Jerusalem
                              and its sanctuary. 

RESOLUTION    3)  Rev 11:19 - The opening of the temple of God in heaven
                              signals the return of Christ. It is the
                              appearance of the sign of the Son of Man
                              in heaven - refer Matt 24:30.

              4)  Rev 16:18 - The pouring of the 7th bowl and the words
                              from the temple in heaven, 'It is done!'.
                              The Great Tribulation has finished. 

              5)  Rev 11:13 - 'in the same hour' (following the glorified
                              return of Christ) a tenth of the city falls
                              and a symbolic 7,000 men die (ie, the 7
                              nations fall.)


Gospels Matthew 24
Mark 13
Luke 21
7 Seals
7 Trumpets
7 Plagues

Two Witnesses

Woman, Child
& Satan
Red Dragon
Beast - Sea
Beast - Land
False Prophet
New Heaven
New Earth
New Jerusalem

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